Friday, August 13, 2010

Getting back into photography...

For my birthday several years ago my then-boyfriend and mom pitched in to get me a Nikon D40 SLR camera. (For those that are wondering, this then-boyfriend has since become my now-husband!) When I first got it, I used that thing all the time. I brought it everywhere and was always dragging my boyfriend around so that I could get great shots. As time went on, and the novelty of the new toy wore off and as I started to work more hours it seemed as though I ran out of time for my new hobby.

Then this summer, my cousin asked me to photograph some senior pictures of her, which after considering it for awhile I agreed on the terms that they would be outdoor shots because I don't have decent lighting, nor studio space. We were fortunately blessed with an overcast day, as well as some fog near the lakefront which made for some gorgeous shots! Check them out!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Starting over.

It has been YEARS since I've posted here, probably due to the fact that nobody is reading this. But, I am challenging myself to continue so I can look back and learn about how I've grown over the years. Changes to be made...I got married nearly a year ago to my best friend. We have great times together and I can't wait to see where life is taking us. I intend to use this blog to chart this new territory that I've entered as a wife and *gasp* full-fledged adult. Join me as I learn to cook, learn to manage a household, and continue to contribute to society as I work at a hospital.